Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

Why do Dogs Lift Their Legs? Why do Dogs Lift Their Legs?

Thursday, February 16th, 2012

Sometimes you wonder if you’re ever going to make it around the block.  Your male dog stops every few feet to lift his leg-on trees, light poles, car tires.  You name it, he’ll mark it.

A dog’s urine contains scent markers that delineate his territory, inform other dogs of his whereabouts, indicate his social standing and sexual availability, and warn off intruders.  Dogs cock their legs to distribute scent at the highest point possible, allowing air currents to sweep it throughout the area. (more…)

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Dog Walking- The one Thing you CANNOT skip!!

Tuesday, January 31st, 2012

Dog Walking- The one Thing you CANNOT skip!!

Looking back at one of the items under our “Dog Walking Rules and Words of Advice from a Professional Dog Walker” exercising your dog is the one thing you cannot skip. Walking with your dog is the single most powerful tool we suggest to help you connect with your dog. By leading the walk, you have the ability to truly bond with your dog as his/her pack leader. The “dog walk” is fundamentally where your dog learns to “be a dog”. (more…)

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